Surgical Periodontal Treatments - Farmington, CT

Your New Smile is Waiting

While we’re able to offer many non-surgical options to help our periodontal patients, thanks to the expertise and skill of our periodontists, we can also provide a wide range of surgical periodontal treatments designed to fix several common problems. Each of our periodontists has performed these procedures countless times over the course of their careers, so you can feel safe no matter what you need. To learn more about the procedures detailed below and what they could do for you, contact us today for surgical periodontal treatments in Farmington, CT.

Why Choose BPS Periodontics for Surgical Periodontal Treatments?

  • Team Lead by 2 Board-
    Certified Periodontists
  • Friendly Team That Clearly
    Explains Treatments
  • Multiple Sedation Dentistry
    Options Available

Gum Grafting

Animated smile during gum grafting treatment

The gums can start to recede and expose the roots of the teeth for several reasons, but with a gum graft, we can restore a patient’s gum line and appearance at the same time. Taking harvested tissue (either from the patient’s own mouth or donated), we can place it where the gums have receded to build it back up. Once the new tissue is sutured into place, the healing begins. Eventually, the new tissue will attach, and the teeth will have the coverage and support they need.

Crown Lengthening

Animated smile during crown lengthening treatment

Crown lengthening involves removing a small amount of gum and bone tissue around the base of a tooth so that more of the enamel is visible. This can help make a tooth appear longer so it creates a more balanced look, or this might be necessary so we can repair any damage that is hidden beneath the gum line. Either way, the end result will be a healthier, more attractive smile.

Socket Preservation

Animated smile during socket preservation treatment

Socket preservation typically begins right after a tooth is removed. We strengthen the area with bone, or a suitable biocompatible substitute, and cover it with tissue-simulating proteins to encourage your body to regenerate lost bone and tissue. It can take anywhere from four to twelve months for the socket preservation process to be completed, and then we can continue your restoration treatments.

Soft Tissue Grafts

If your gums have receded, perhaps from periodontal disease or aggressive brushing, you probably have exposed tooth roots. Exposed tooth roots make your teeth appear too long, and they are extra sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages.

Soft tissue grafts are used to cover roots or to develop gum tissue. For soft tissue grafts, we will take tissue from your palate or another viable source and use the donor tissue to cover your exposed roots. Soft tissue grafts can be used to cover the roots of one or more teeth.

They can also prevent further recession and bone loss. Other benefits include protecting tooth roots from decay and infection, reducing tooth sensitivity, and enhancing smile aesthetics. Soft tissue grafts are another way we can improve your periodontal health and give you confidence in your smile.

Sinus Lifts

Animated smile after sinus lift

A sinus lift is a type of bone graft used to help prepare a patient for dental implant placement. It is used to thicken the back of the upper jawbone specifically so there is enough structure to support the new teeth. The reason it is called a sinus lift is because the sinus membranes are located right above the jaw, and to make sure the implants don’t damage them, these are gently shifted up to ensure there is enough room for the incoming tooth roots.

Ridge Augmentations

Animated smile during ridge augmentation

A tooth doesn’t just sit inside the jawbone like a yard sign stuck in the grass. Rather, there is a base of bone around the tooth that helps keep it stable. This is called the ridge, and after a tooth has been lost, it can start to weaken and deteriorate. With a bone graft, we can strengthen a ridge so that a patient’s dental implant has the best chance of success and will remain stable for many years to come.

Frenectomies/ Lip & Tongue-Tie

Animated smile before and after frenectomy for lip and tongue tie correction

Each lip as well as your tongue is connected to a small band of tissue called a frenulum. For some people, these tissues are so short or thick that they prevent these parts of the mouth from moving properly, which can lead to speaking, eating, and breathing problems. But, with a quick and gentle frenectomy, we can remove any excess tissue so a patient is able to use their mouth like normal.

Tooth Extractions

Animated smile after tooth extractions

If a tooth is too damaged or decayed to be repaired, then the best thing to do for a patient’s oral health is to remove it. We may also recommend an extraction if a tooth has become impacted or trapped within the gums and bone while trying to erupt (which often happens with the wisdom teeth). Using a combination of a light touch, anesthetic, and sedation, our dentist can make this potentially nerve-racking procedure surprisingly comfortable from start to finish.

Learn More About Tooth Extractions

Full Mouth Reconstruction

Woman smiling at periodontist after full mouth reconstruction

For patients dealing with several missing teeth and gum disease, figuring out what to do about it can easily be overwhelming, but our team is more than eager to help. We have treated many, many patients in the same position using a full mouth reconstruction. Based on your needs, we’ll perform a unique combination of procedures designed to restore your health and appearance at the same time, giving your smile new life.

Learn More About Full Mouth Reconstruction